Homeschooled siblings Beecher, 26; Ezra, 22; Liza, 20; and Asa, 16 tour the country communicating happiness and highlighting the good in the world.

[su_quote cite=”-Willow City” url=””]Our mission is to inspire happy. We want as many people as possible to hear that message. [/su_quote]

Backstory of the Band

Each of the four Proch kids had taken music lessons and been in choir since they were little. Then, in 2013, Beecher and Ezra were asked to give a small performance at a fundraiser alongside two other musicians. When the other two cancelled last minute, Liza and Asa filled in. It was then that they realized they liked performing together.

For years, they continued giving small performances at local restaurants, benefits, etc., all the while increasing in abilities and love for music. After happily playing together for so long, the decision to form an official band and pursue music full time was an easy one.

In June, they released their debut album, self-titled Willow City.

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Get your tickets today to see Willow City in concert:
Saturday night May 11 in Dallas
June 1 in The Woodlands!
Add-on tickets just $10!

[su_box title=”Purchase Add-On Concert Tickets Now!” center=”yes”]
[su_row][su_heading size=”22″]June 1, 2019 in The Woodlands[/su_heading]
[su_heading size=”20″]
The Woodlands Waterway Marriott
1601 Lake Robbins Drive
[su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”glass” size=”10″ center=”yes” radius=”0″ desc=”Saturday Night Event (Add On)”]Register for Willow City in The Woodlands[/su_button]

Visit Willow City Web Site

Want a sneak “peek”? Listen now to “Rise of the Sun” and “Everybody Falls”